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Section: New Results

Future networks and architectures

Participants : Damien Le Quéré, Adlen Ksentini, Yassine Hadjadj-Aoul, Jean-Michel Sanner.

LOCARN. LOCARN (i.e. Low Opex & Capex Architecture for Resilient Networks) is a flat, dynamic and very simple packet architecture that focuses on plug-and-play guidance to provide flexibility and resiliency on the transport of client data traffics. To that end, the counterpart of the solution is a significant overhead due to the generation of control plane packets. In [50] , we proved that in typical meshed operators transport networks applications, (i.e. infrastructures having high data-rates and high resiliency requirements), the LOCARN overhead is acceptable up to thousands of communications. In [51] , we introduced two proposals that permit to increase the amount of simultaneous communications while maintaining the good properties of the initial design.

SDN. We started an activity on Software Defined Networking (SDN), a recent idea proposed to handle network management problems. SDN are becoming an important issue with the ever-increasing network complexity. They are proposed as an alternative to the current architecture of the Internet, which cannot meet the supported services requirements such as Quality of Service/Experience (Qos/QoE), security and energy consumption. We particularly address the scalability issue by proposing an automated hierarchical controller-based architecture handling the whole control chain.